Monday, August 22, 2011

Technology of the future (Top 10 Inventions Needed)

This was a wish list that was originally intended to provide inspiration for inventors. First written in April of 1997, I thought it might be fun to follow-up each year and find out if anyone has been working on these ideas for future technology. I have included websites for you to "check out" inventions that are, are close to, or kind a close to what I am hoping will soon exist in the technology available to us presently.

1. Future Technology - Free Energy
I want my energy bill to come only once, not every month. So be it solar or electro-magnetic, please make it personal and portable with batteries that keep going and going.

2. Future Technology - Transporter
What kind of technology is required to scramble a person's atoms and send them for regrouping in foreign lands all in the blink of an eye? Imagine I could work in Tokyo and sleep in Paris. Beam me up.

3. Future Technology - Replicator Technology (Stuff for Free)
Every time I saw Captain Picard (Star Trek Next Generation) ordering his Earl Grey Tea or Councilor Troy getting a triple alien fudge dessert from one of those replicators on the Enterprise, I imagine you could send the dirty dishes back to the void where they came from. BTW, a replicator is a device that uses transporter technology to dematerialize quantities of matter and then rematerialize that matter in another form.

4. Future Technology - Universal Communicator
Forget long distant bills and roaming charges (especially with me working in Tokyo and sleeping in Paris). I want a very small device that lets me talk and see anyone, anywhere and anytime. All for the price of the device and please throw in the ability for universal translation for a modest surcharge.

5. Future Technology - The Cure
For you name it.

6. Future Technology - Fountain of Youth
As a human I consider this as a no-brainer desire for future technology. The "Fountain of Youth" was a legendary spring that renders anyone who drinks of its waters permanently young. What is the real future technology that will extend our lives and keep us looking youthful without surgery?

7. Future Technology - Protective Force Field
To shield me from the sticks and stones.

8. Future Technology - Flying Cars
I want a smooth ride all the way and I hope it's a convertible.

9. Future Technology - The Battery Operated Butler Did It
What can I say - housework sucks.
Check out - Robotics and Robots

10. Future Technology - The Time Machine
I have a few famous inventors I would love to meet in person and the idea of messing with the time-space continuum is exciting as well.

I hope this all would be possible, someday. Source:

IPad Advantages And Disadvantages In Detail


1. The iPad 2’s 10 inch screen is enough for reviewing homemade videos right on the spot.

1. You could have been able to include the video clips shot and imported from other cameras into the iPad. However they don’t work in iMovie without going through a serious effort.

2. With Apple’s $4.99 iMovie app, video programs like ReelDirector and Splice, you can turn the title productions into mini video postcards. Then it is very easy to get them right onto FaceBook directly from your iPad 2. If you are travelling some where you do not have to wait until you get home.

2. iPad 2 disadvantages as a video capturing device are no flash, no zoom and it is bulky. So it does not fit well into my pocket. There is no tripod mount for it, therefore the finished video is quite shaky and unsteadiness is much more noticeable on the large screen.

3. iPad 2 as a video capturing device has big advantages like a huge screen, instant gratification, exceptional video quality in good light.

3. You can not create high quality videos that you can do with cameras like camerasfrom cannon, Nikon, Sony and Panasonic etc. They have features like Flash, zoom, tripod mounts, removable memory and better lenses that is not present in iPad 2. In iPad 2 videos can not be sharper and crisper like in Cannon PowerShot S95and other cameras.

4. However the major advantage of iPad 2 is that it has huge tablet screen for monitoring the video. It has add-on features that people love about iPad such as web browser and all other apps. Plus you can not make a video in cameras like cannon, edit it right there on the spot, click a button and sent it directly to FaceBook, but you can do it with iPad 2.

IPod Advantages And Disadvantages In Detail

It's a fact like no other- iPod has catapulted Apple into unbelievable fame and fortune, but are iPod's really that fabulous and everything Apple would like us to believe? Is always important to give due consideration to iPod Advantages and disadvantages before you jump into an actual investment. At first glance, the iPod's appearance is dashing and the sound of high quality. Question is however, is it really the best-looking mp3 player available? Well, the answer will depend entirely upon your individual taste. The other question you should ask yourself is- is it the best sounding one? Mmm, the answer will also depend on what your standards of quality are. One thing that's sure is with competitors out there like Sony and Creative, you really have to pull up your socks and ensure you have excellent sound quality ratings when compared to the competition, which have been in the sound business for years. Is this another one of Apple's gimmicks? Have a look at my list of iPod advantages and disadvantages and judge for yourself...

Program access- The addition of the iTunes program is a great feature, there is not two ways about that. There is however also a disadvantage to iTunes and it comes in the form of being the only way to interact with iPod. Other mp3 players are easily accessed directly from your computer's "My Computer" folder, just as if you were accessing your flash, C or D drives. This fact alone makes iPod extremely limited in terms of what it can do. This also makes the use of Apple an essential intermediary for media transferring to and from their product.

Only play iTunes purchases- The greatest disadvantage to Apple iPod's is most probably its FairPlay DRM protection. The program only allows songs purchased trough iTunes to be played on the device or on a specific computer if purchase of the songs were made from a computer. Should you decide to invest in another brand mp3 player, all your iTune-purchased songs will be unplayable and thus of absolute no value. It's just Apple's way of keeping you loyal to their product. If any other large technology company tried this stunt, it would get trashed and probably crucified by public opinion.

iTunes incompatibility with other mp3 player software- Prefer to use Windows Media Player or Winamp? Well, it's a fact they are a lot quicker and less tiring than iTunes! Unfortunately you can't! FairPlay DRM protection on downloaded songs only allows for songs to be played in iTunes or on your iPod.

Non-replaceable battery- Your iPod purchase comes standard with a non-replaceable battery in other words an internal rechargeable battery. As we all know- rechargeable batteries do not last forever; eventually they will stop holding their charge and should your iPod still be under warranty you have the option to send it to Apple. This will result in you receiving a refurbished iPod with the possibility of not being your, if you are out of warranty, you can just through your US Dollar 300 iPod into the garbage can. Replacement by Apple for an additional US Dollars 100 is another option you have but that is probably what your second-hand iPod will be worth by the time the battery's fully charged. It’s also important to note that should the battery get depleted you can't spare change it, this should be kept in mind if functionality is essential for long periods of time.

No FM radio function- There are tons of MP3 players that have FM radio functionality with option to save radio recordings in mp3 format, but not Apple ipod! A separate adaptor need to be purchased for this feature and to top it all, the adapter will only work with newer iPod versions and will not allow records.

No storage space- Urgently need to store information but don't have a flash drive or a blank CD with you? Chances are very good that you most likely have your mp3 player. IPod has absolutely no storage space for an emergency transfer of media you've created for example in MS Word. Again, iTunes interaction with the iPod, is to blame for this.

No voice recording function- Have an unexpected voice recording? Many mp3 players will be able to assist in an instant, iPod unfortunately not.

No WMA format playback- WMA is a fantastic playback format that gives companies the capability of using DRM and producing files a lot smaller than mp3 format. It's mainly for these reasons that WMA is the preferred choice for ebook publishers. IPod has however chosen to ignore its existence. WMA conversion is a possibility but can be an immense hassle if you have an extensive music collection, to convert each and every song.

Expense- In general iPod's are more expensive when compared to other mp3 players that offer a lot more value for your money in terms of function, quality and overall appearance. By just giving consideration to all the reasons previously stated, you will agree with me that iPods has way more disadvantages than advantages. You will just be paying for the Apple name, and getting less.

Health concerns- iPod also comes with a couple of health concerns. A study recently showed that iPods can potentially interfere with pacemakers resulting in malfunctions when placed near the heart monitoring device. Is actually scary to think that an iPod could pose a risk to your health. In all fairness however, no other player have probably been tested for this and might have same effect. IPods selection may have been biased for the study due to its extreme popularity. Wait just a second before you start sending me hate mail, it’s important to bear in mind that I've mainly given consideration to iPod's disadvantages and not its advantages. I am sure there are tons of positive aspects about iPod including battery charge duration and its incredible selection of accessories. When compared to other mp3's players, iPod most certainly has more accessories than any other mp3 players on the market.

You can visit this web Source:

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Clear Your Mind (10 easy steps)

Dοеѕ уουr mind sometimes feel lіkе a television station уου саn’t quite tune іn? Yου know thеrеs аn іntеrеѕtіng program οn – οr several, bυt everything іѕ mixed wіth static. Whаt іf уου сουld “tune іn” аt wіll, hаνе clear thinking whenever уου want іt? Try ѕοmе οf thе following.

Ten Clear Thinking Techniques And Tips

1. Take a walk. Science wіll eventually prove thіѕ tο bе a grеаt way tο improve thе quality οf уουr thinking, bυt don’t wait fοr thе proof. Aren’t thеrе enough οthеr reasons tο take a walk anyhow?

2. Stay away frοm sugar. If уου want tο understand whаt brain fog іѕ, eat a sugary donut οn аn empty stomach, thеn dο math problems twenty minutes later. Whаt уου wіll experience, along wіth thе “sugar blues,” іѕ brain fog. At lеаѕt lay οff sugar аnd simple carbohydrates whеn уου need tο thіnk clearly.

3. Organized space means clear thinking. It’s rare thаt a person саn actually work better іn clutter. Organized working space means уου won’t hаνе thе thουght “whеrе іѕ thаt…” distracting уουr mind.

4. Gеt better sleep. Sleep requirements vary, bυt thе minimum fοr mοѕt іѕ somewhere around five hours. Sοmе suffer іf thеу sleep less thаn eight hours. Thе research, hοwеνеr, indicates thаt аftеr a сеrtаіn minimum quantity, thе quality οf sleep іѕ more іmрοrtаnt tο normal brain function.

5. Try meditating. Nο time? Jυѕt close уουr eyes, relax, аnd watch уουr breath fοr a whіlе. Accept thаt уουr mind wіll wander, bυt continually return уουr attention tο уουr breath. Five minutes οf thіѕ, аnd afterwards уου
ll feel a boost іn уουr brainpower.

6. Resolve уουr “mind irritations.” Watch уουr busy brain. Maybe a call уου need tο mаkе hаѕ bееn bothering уου, јυѕt below consciousness. Find thеѕе stressors, аnd dο something tο lеt thеm gο. Fοr example, mаkе thаt call, οr рυt іt οn a list, аnd уουr mind wіll lеt gο οf іt fοr now. Jυѕt seeing a problem аnd saying, “Thеrе
s nothing I саn dο аbουt thіѕ until Friday,” wіll οftеn ѕtοр unconscious worrying.

7. Don’t drink alcohol. At lеаѕt don’t drink tοο much. Whіlе moderate amounts саn bе conducive tο creative thinking, аll thе evidence ѕауѕ thаt іt іѕ bаd fοr thе long-term health οf уουr brain.

8. Mаkе decisions quickly. Nothing gets іn thе way οf clear thinking lіkе a dozen decisions hanging around unmade. If nothing еlѕе, dесіdе whеn уου
ll mаkе thе dесіѕіοn.

9. Gеt ѕοmе fresh air. Gο outside аnd breath deeply through уουr nose. Yου
ll gеt a gοοd dose οf oxygen tο уουr brain, аnd thе change οf surroundings саn hеlр clear уουr mind.

10. Satisfy уουr physical needs. Clear thinking іѕ easier іf уου aren’t tοο hungry, thirsty, οr hot.

Yου саn thіnk more clearly starting today. Thеrе аrе сеrtаіnlу more thаn ten ways, bυt уου really οnlу need tο mаkе a few οf thеm a habit tο hаνе a more powerful brain. Whу nοt try one οr two rіght now?


Wednesday, August 17, 2011

How to live a happy and satisfied Life

In each day that passes by, we stand by and witness how our lives are being lived without the full happiness and satisfaction we crave and need. Most people spend their time stressed out, worried and on a constant panic about what needs to be done for their futures, raising their children, wired up over work, school, along with everything else. Does this sound familiar? Well if it does, it is because so many people live with this style and pattern. When you can start living that fully happy and satisfied life? 

The only way you can live a happy and satisfied life, is when you start doing things that make you happy and satisfied. Sure, it sounds easy, and can be easy if you just remember to make yourself one of your top priorities. Too many people neglect themselves, feeling that it would be selfish if they took any time out to focus on their own being. While it is good to take care of others and other important things going on in your life, it is mandatory that you never forget about yourself. Discover who you really are and what matters most to you. Living a great life does not just happen. It requires, planning and following those plans to a life that reflects who you truly are. 

Most people avoid planning goals and dreams in their lives because they may have a fear of committing to it or failing. They feel that by officially writing it down, they would actually have to go through with pursuing it. This is where you need to rate the importance of your life missions. What is most important to you? Is it losing a certain amount of weight? Getting your degree? Spending more time with your spouse or children? Whatever the reason or reasons may be, just write all of them down. You may feel that making a mental note of your goals and dreams is enough, but you could very well be setting yourself up for disappointment and failure. By writing it down, you will become a visual witness of those goals. Try writing them in an organizer, with a little reminder written in each day. 

Setting deadlines for these goals would be a great way to assure they will be accomplished. Avoid disappointment by setting realistic deadlines. For example, if you wanted to lose 10 pounds, do not give yourself a week to do so. You will only torture yourself and become depressed when the week is over and see that you did not come even close to losing the 10 pounds. In fact, you may give up losing weight altogether because of the failure you experienced, simply because your deadline was unrealistic. Take some time everyday to look over your goals and remind yourself of how important they really are to you. Ask yourself why they are important to you too. Knowing that something is important is not enough. You must know the reasons behind the importance of the dreams and goals you have, so that your mind can see it more clearly and understand exactly why it is so necessary to go through with your missions. 

Excuses are demons you must learn to fight off if you wish to start living a happy and satisfied life. Most people claim to have many dreams, but say they just do not have the time to approach them. Stop making excuses! You are the only one who holds the power to make a real difference in your life. Sure, we all have busy lives with our careers and families, but nothing takes up 24 hours of your day. So if something is truly important to you, you will be sure to make the time to work on it. You can do this by replacing it with something less important. For example, if you claim you do not have the time to work on the other important goals in your life, perhaps it is time for you to start making close observations on the way you spend your time. If you spend several hours of the day working, studying, and then several hours taking care of house chores and family, what else are you doing with the rest of your day? If you spend a good portion watching television, then you need to cut back on that and use that time to begin and follow an exercise plan you have been thinking to focus on for a long time (or whatever goal it is you have). 

Making yourself one of your first priorities is not selfish. It actually is obligatory to do so in order to succeed in the other subjects of your life. Without a happy and satisfied you, there will be no happy and satisfied life, because you will be stressed out and unhappy. You might be consciously ignoring your needs and desires, but your subconscious mind has not forgotten about you and will constantly remind you through stress, anger, sadness, insecurity and feelings of failure. 

Start listening to yourself and becoming the best friend and supporter you need. No one is going to work on your happiness for you, so find the power and motivation stored up inside you, and use it to direct yourself into the path of true happiness and satisfaction. You can do anything you set your mind to, and once you have stopped and gotten in touch with yourself, you will learn and realize just how wonderful and capable you really are, and how you always have been. You will not only realize these things, but also begin loving who are more and more, which will not only lead you to achieving the things that make you most happy, but will guide you into a world of many new dreams come true. 


Monday, August 15, 2011

Music, emotion and brain…

“Music is the universal language of mankind.”
Love for and appreciation of music is a universal feature of human culture. It has been theorized that music even predates language. There is no question that music has grown to be an important part of human life. But there are lots of studies conducted if music affects the emotional being of a human. Consequently, the conclusion is still uncertain and open to discussion.
I think, music really influence our psychological and emotional beings for the reason that: 1) There are times that you feel stressed and in order to ease that feeling all you have to do is to listen to a soft music. In that way, you will put out of your mind all the bad circumstances that had happened to you. 2) There are times that music was used in order to arouse you. In an instance, a man felt asleep while driving because he doesn’t listen to a rock or hard music instead he listens to a soft melody that leads him to sleep. 3) The listener relates to the message of the music and in that way, he/she felt not alone.
The tremendous ability that music has to affect and manipulate emotions and the brain is undeniable, and yet largely inexplicable. Very little serious research had gone into the mechanism behind music's ability to physically influence the brain until relatively recently, and even now very little is known about the neurological effects of music.

Wait on the Lord

It may seem an easy thing to wait, but it is one of the postures which a Christian soldier learns not without years of teaching. Marching and quick-marching are much easier to God's warriors than standing still. There are hours of perplexity when the most willing spirit, anxiously desirous to serve the Lord, knows not what part to take. Then what shall it do? Vex itself by despair?  Fly back in cowardice, turn to the right hand in fear, or rush forward in presumption? No, but simply wait. Wait in prayer, however. Call upon God, and spread the case before Him; tell Him your difficulty, and plead His promise of aid. In dilemmas between one duty and another, it is sweet to be humble as a child, and wait with simplicity of soul upon the Lord.
It is sure to be well with us when we feel and know our own folly, and are heartily willing to be guided by the will of God. But wait in faith. Express your unstaggering confidence in Him; for unfaithful, untrusting waiting, is but an insult to the Lord. Believe that if He keep you tarrying even till midnight, yet He will come at the right time; the vision shall come and shall not tarry. Wait in quiet patience, not rebelling because you are under the affliction, but blessing your God for it. Never murmur against the second cause, as the children of Israel did against Moses; never wish you could go back to the world again, but accept the case as it is, and put it as it stands, simply and with your whole heart, without any self-will, into the hand of your covenant God, saying, "Now, Lord, not my will, but Thine be done. I know not what to do; I am brought to extremities, but I will wait until Thou shalt cleave the floods, or drive back my foes. I will wait, if Thou keep me many a day, for my heart is fixed upon Thee alone, O God, and my spirit waiteth for Thee in the full conviction that Thou wilt yet be my joy and my salvation, my refuge and my strong tower."
-      Psalm 27:14

Tuesday, August 09, 2011

Reflect – Identity Thieves Skilled Methods

It is very unfortunate that several identity thieves know how to operate your computer better than you.  While they are skilled in their methods of deception, there are few things that can be done to protect your personal information:
·         Always remove the hard drive on a computer you are selling or giving away.                                  
·         Keep it in safe place or destroy it
·         Inquire within a reliable computer supplier about how to safely overwrite the files
·         Use a quality hard disk cleaning program. 
There are also a few items you should delete individually.  Though it may be some what of a task, recovering from identity theft is even more of a challenge.  Here are the files that must be deleted before selling or giving your computer away: 
·         all email contacts
·         all email messages
·         all important word documents
·         all files in the recycle bin or trash folder of the operating system
·         all temporary internet files
·         your internet search history 
·         the cache of your web browser
·         any non-transferable software that may be installed on the hard drive
You should also make sure that trusted users of your computer are practicing identity theft prevention as well.  Children should protect themselves from identity theft by never using their real name in an email account and limiting personal details on social networking sites.  Being that children are often prime targets of internet predators, it is very important to protect the contents of your computer to prevent identity theft and ensure their safety.
                   Hehe.. Report naming to sa Professional Ethics… =)

Sunday, August 07, 2011

Facebook – a social networking site which eases us from aloneness.

          It's not because of the amount of money. For me and my colleagues, the most important thing is that we create an open information flow for people.” ("The thing I really care about is the mission, making the world open." – (Mark Zuckerberg, Wired magazine, 2010)).
          No doubt, Zuckerberg had successfully adjusted the superiority of internet applications. He alters the way people live, and nowadays, a massive number of people use facebook as a means in searching and connecting to their relatives, classmates and friends. And because of these, human beings are now more comfortable and happier knowing and feeling that they are not alone.
          Maybe there are lots of inconveniences and disadvantages of using the said social networking site, but for me – facebook relieves us from loneliness, ease us from aloneness and lessens the stress we felt; just use it intelligently and suitably.

Popularity, Teens say it…

          A brainstorming session was held in the USA. The participants were youngsters between 15 and 17. The theme of the session was what characteristics contributed to one’s popularity:
Here are some of the answers given:
a. Let people know you like them
b. Don’t monopolize the conversation
c. Admit your mistake cheerfully
d. Don’t bear grudges
e. Learn to avoid a quarrel without losing your dignity
f. Think of ways to make others feel important
g. Don’t have one set of manners for the people you want to impress and another set for everybody else
h. Don’t try for a laugh at someone else expense
i. Listen politely to other people’s ideas, even they sound wild
j. Be a good loser
k. Be a good winner
l. Show appreciation for presents even if you are had hoped for something else
m. Make a list of your bad habits and try to overcome them
n. Show your friends that you can be relied upon in times of emergencies.

Personal growth and development is concerned with a process in which a person deals with three basic questions: Where am I now? Where would I like to be? How can I move toward my goal? One practical plan of self-development involves clarification of one’s values, since values influence our thinking, feeling and acting. Hence, our values play a great role in determining our objectives, directions and decisions.

- The commitment for salvation book.

Sweet Temptation?

         If temptation come to us as horrible monsters, they would be easy to recognize for what they really are – evil and harmful. Then, it would be easy for us to stay away from them.
          But temptations are often dressed up to look nice, innocent, and desirable. Remember, when the devil tempted Eve, he offered her an attractive package – to be endowed with great knowledge.
          So it is with us today. Something sinful offered us is made to look as nothing but a pleasant way to spend leisure time; or a good way to gain recognition, possession and power; or an easy way out of a difficult situation. Often, innocent praise from well-meaning friends, if not handled well, can turn our heads and develop in us vanity and destructive pride.
          One way to avoid this pitfall is to become an other-oriented person instead of being a self-centered one.
-      The commitment for salvation book.

Thursday, August 04, 2011


What to do when you feel like crying?
Answers/Opinion of others:
· Jason
What do I do? Well, when I do feel like I'm about to show any sign of emotional weakness, I distance myself far away from everyone else physically and emotionally (I'm actually really good at it). And when they do see me crying, I lash out at them and isolate myself further from people because I don't like letting people see me in my vulnerable state and continue on like nothing is wrong afterwards.

So, it goes without saying but don't follow my example. The best thing you can do right now in your situation is talk to your partner about this rather than cry alone in frustration. Sit him/her (Sorry, can't tell either way by your username) down in a serious talk and let him/her know how you're feeling. Don't make it sound like you're accusing him/her of anything even if you are though, most people react badly to this and will only make things worse. To avoid this, whenever you sense that you're about to accuse him of something he/she wronged you of, start the sentence with the phrase: " I feel like..." Sounds too simple but it generally works. If he isn't mature and open enough to confront this problem in your relationship and consider your feelings, then he/she obviously isn't a good partner and you deserve better and you're better off without them in your life. No pressure but you should do it soon because time will only make things worse.

Hope this helps and I wish you all the luck :) Things will get better.


· whathadh...

When I feel like crying I generally try not to when I know people are around. It takes a lot for me to feel comfortable crying in front of anyone. So usually I just hold it in til I know I'm completely alone but I mean if it's something really heavy and I just can't hold it back I let it out.


· Kristine ♥

im the type who cries so fkn easily and there's no way i could stop it. :(
i hate it!

· Kay

When I feel like crying usually I cry...



I am agree with the answer of Kay - you must cry if you feel like crying in order for you to release the feelings that burdened you...
=) As far as i know...., there's nothing wrong in crying... =)

Monday, August 01, 2011

Today, it all starts...

Hello World! This blog entitled as "When You Feel" tackles all about what you feel, when you feel frustrated, when you feel sad, when you feel in love, when you feel that no one appreciates you and many more. It’s all in here. You can also see here the different views and opinions of dissimilar person whenever they feel such things. Today – it all starts!